Want to create your Digital Advance Care Plan? click here to get started.

Your care
on your terms

Touchstone Life Care’s digital advance care plans provide confidence that your care choices will be heard, and peace of mind that your doctors and loved ones know your wishes.

Our platform helps improves the experience of end-of-life care for individuals, families and care providers through comprehensive, easily retrievable, digital advance care plans.

Touchstone End of life care plan

The future of advance care planning for

80% of Advance Care Directives are paper-based.

Touchstone Life Care is digital for a reason.

A digital Touchstone Life Care Advance Care Plan is:

This means you:

Touchstone Life Care

Advance Care Plans are not
all the same...

Touchstone Life Care’s plans are stored digitally, to be retrieved anywhere, anytime by doctors, emergency services, families and carers.

How we are different

Touchstone Life Care’s wayThe traditional way

Designed as a guided conversation so it’s easy to answer the questions.

Conversations with family tend to be put on the back burner.

Final version presents the most vital information (like whether you want to be resuscitated) on page 1 so your doctors can quickly see what you want.

Form may not be able to be easily found when needed.

Digital plan that can be accessed & updated from anywhere, anytime by:

  • QR code
  • Touchstone Life Care app
  • Inclusion in My Health Record
  • Print out of plan or QR code.

Paper copy that’s easily misplaced in an emergency or may never be found.

Most up-to-date version is available at all times.

Outdated copy may be left in your file and used to guide your care.

Instantly and easily shared with many of your trusted contacts.

Your family, GP, lawyer or carers may not know you have written a plan or be able to find it.

Legally accepted as a Common Law Advance Care Directive wherever you are in Australia.

Paper copies may be difficult to locate in an emergency.

One source of truth – other important forms can be uploaded to Touchstone Life Care including a VAD (in WA) or an Advance Care Plan done with your GP.

Important documents kept in different places. Unclear which one matters most.

Kept securely online and complies with all privacy requirements.

Security is easily compromised.

only 17% of people with dementia have appointed a substitute decision maker.

Why are Advance Care Plans needed?

Most people wish for a peaceful and timely death. Yet many do not experience this. Some people receive care that prolongs their life but also prolongs their suffering. Some people don’t receive the care that they do want.

For end of life care on your terms,
start your Advance Care Plan today.

Step 1

Create your Touchstone Life Care account and get started.

Step 2

Begin creating your personalised plan by completing the step by step, guided questions.

Step 3

Submit, store and share your plan instantly with your trusted contacts.

Featured Media

Dr Merran Cooper,
the brains behind Digital Care Plans

Touchstone Life Care’s Founder, Dr Merran Cooper, is on a mission to improve the system and culture for people at the end of their life.

“So many people deny themselves a good death by not addressing it soon enough, if at all. They deprive themselves of some of the most loving intimate forgiving and healing conversations. Our medical systems, invasive technologies and some treatment regimens often deny these things to our dying patients too, even if that is not the intention.”

– Dr Merran Cooper, Touchstone Life Care

Dr Merran Cooper