Want to create your Digital Advance Care Plan? click here to get started.

Digital advance care planning
for a digital world.

Easy, secure and instant.

Easy to use prompts to help crystallise your thoughts and preferences about your medical care.

Secure sharing and storing of your advance care plans and advance care directives, and other documents.

Instant accessibility of your plans including by your own personal QR code for 24/7 accessibility.  

Touchstone about TLC

About Touchstone Life Care

Touchstone Life Care’s end-to-end digital system helps you create and securely share an Advance Care Directive at Common Law, or securely share a Statutory Advance Care Directive 


upload extra documents such as a  video recording, appointment of medical decision maker, or other documents important for people to make decisions about your medical care 


automatically share/ update/ notify and discuss with selected contacts ahead of time,  


have the ACP documents readily available 24/7 in a range of ways including:

QR code

printed form

added to My Health Record

accessible by providers’ software 

on your contacts’ phones and email

emailed as a link to your professional contacts.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to minimise anxiety, stress and suffering for those facing end of life and for those supporting them – their families, care providers and medical teams.

Our Mission

We transform the end-of-life experience, by empowering important conversations and subsequent purposeful choices in the end-of-life stage. We help individuals, aged and home care providers, planners and the health system by providing a digital solution that ensures an individual’s wishes for end of life care are captured and communicated.

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

We strive to positively impact the experience of everyone involved at the end-of-life – the individual, families, care providers and medical teams – by helping ensure a person’s choices are clear, and available to those who matter.

Touchstone Life Care Principles

Guiding important conversations

Everyone deserves quality end of life. Dying is an important final stage of life and worthy of considered choices and planning.

Empowering purposeful choices

Respect for individuals and their right for self-determination, autonomy and choice

Creating meaningful advance care plans

Our platform has been extensively tested across all ages and diverse members of the community for accessibility and the best experience possible.

Sharing plans with trusted contacts

A deep enduring care for all involved in end-of-life.

Securely storing the plan in the cloud

Promote the delivery of best Practice Heathcare & alignment with regulatory standards.

Ensuring the plan is instantly retrievable 24/7 by QR code

A relentless focus on innovation and continued improvement and rigour.

Touchstone Life Care’s unique and innovative approach to advance care planning

We are the only provider offering such a comprehensive, intuitive, accessible digital advance care plan.

Touchstone Life Care

Empowers and educates people to express their choices for advanced medical care.

Touchstone Life Care
Allows individuals to seamlessly create, store and share digital Advance Care Plans.
Touchstone Life Care

Makes the process less daunting through an intuitive, guided conversation that captures an individual’s values and decisions in a digital plan.

Touchstone Life Care

Automatically shares the plan with trusted contacts like family, doctors or lawyers to ensure a person’s wishes are known.

Touchstone Life Care
Uses cloud-based plans that are instantly retrievable across all medical and legal sectors, meaning the plan is there when needed.
Touchstone Life Care
Displays the most vital medical information on page 1 so doctors can find and act on it in an emergency.
Touchstone Life Care

Specialises in health, aged and palliative care.

Touchstone Life Care

Enables people to realise a dignified and authentic end of life experience.


Meet Dr Merran Cooper

“I began my medical training at Sydney University aged 50. That was 32 years after gaining entry to the degree straight out of school. I had the world’s longest gap year.

In those intervening years, I cared for my husband who died from acute leukaemia aged 24 and had a ‘good death’ despite a horrific illness and treatment regimen because we had had those important conversations about his care and everyone knew what he wanted.

Years later, whilst working as a doctor, I saw unnecessary suffering and conflict in families almost every day, from people not having an Advance Care Plan. 

So many people deny themselves a good death by not addressing it soon enough, if at all. They deprive themselves of some of the most loving intimate forgiving and healing conversations. 

Advance care planning is about having the most important conversations of your life, and making the most important decisions of your life. It is about finding out what is most important to you and sharing that with those who are most important to you.

Touchstone Life Care is designed to help you do that.

Dr Merran Cooper

Create your Advance Care Plan

Our easy secure questionnaire can take as little as 10 minutes to complete, or as long as you and loved ones need.