Are your family all on the same page?

Do you know what end-of-life care your mum, dad, spouse or partner would want?

Do you and other family members have a readily available copy of their wishes in case of an emergency?

Do you all have access to the same, up-to-date copy?

Touchstone Life Care for Family

What is Advance Care Planning and how does Touchstone Life Care help you and your family?

Advance care planning is an ongoing process of thinking about, discussing, documenting and sharing your wishes for your own future medical care.

Good advance care planning means that if others have to make decisions about your care in the future they will have an accurate and current copy of your wishes.

  • You can find out more at
  • And you can speak to your lawyer or doctor. 
  • When you have completed your plan or a directive, use the Touchstone Life Care system to share it securely with the people you choose, including your family, appointed decision makers, care network, legal representative and My Health Record.
  • Your unique QR code can be kept in your wallet or on your fridge for scanning in an emergency.
  • If you change your mind or update your form, we’ll make sure everyone is notified and has the new form on their phone, email or in their IT system.  

Your family will thank you for it.


How does Touchstone Life Care help manage Advance Care Planning for families?

How do you open a discussion
about end-of-life care?

How do you open a discussion

You’re convinced it would be a good idea for your loved one to have an advance care plan in place – how do you broach the topic with them?

To help you get started, here is our advice.

We hope this helps you start an important conversation.