Advance care planning-
a crucial part of legacy and life planning


You help people navigate the complexities of advance care planning.

We make sure the documents you help them prepare are accessible by the right people at the right time.

Reducing confusion, conflict, frustration, and poor quality care for your patients and clients.

Touchstone Life Care’s integrated and connected platform shares advance care planning documents and directives ahead of need, and makes them available at the time and place of need.

You get the documents and directives right and we get the access right – via aged care IT systems, My Health Record, ambulance software or a PHN’s. 

For Partners

Advance care planning software is ideal for

Aged care consultants
Aged care consultants
Financial planners
Financial planners
Estate planners
Estate planners

As you know all too well, people often put off thinking about the practical details of their future.

Yet this leaves your customers vulnerable if their circumstances change unexpectedly and they cannot make or voice their own decisions for medical care.

Advance care planning should be part of the conversation about legacy and life planning.

only 17% of people with dementia have appointed a substitute decision maker.

Offer more with
Touchstone Life Care's advance care planning service

TLC Advance Care Plan

Touchstone Life Care software allows you to offer a complete end-of-life service to your clients, with a platform that supports advance care planning, and manages the documents once completed.

TLC Advance Care Plan

The software includes automated sharing and updating, so your clients have control over who they share their data with.

TLC Advance care plan

Feel confident that the advance care plan or advance care directive you have is the most recent version, and you know who else has a copy.

Select your plan

Give your client peace of mind, knowing that their end-of-life wishes have been recorded and securely stored in the cloud for 24/7 access.