Are you a Doctor, Nurse, Advisor or Doula? Do You Need to Assist Your Clients With Advance Care Plans?
No matter what you call it No matter what you call it- an Advance Care Plan, Advance Care Directive, Management Plan, or a Living Will, all your clients aged 18 + will benefit from a regularly updated Advance Care Plan. But how can you fit all that into your busy day? Your role should not […]
Dementia, Swallowing, Memory Boxes and Capacity for Decision Making – lessons from Speech Pathologists.
People with Dementia often “lose their swallow.” This is not often known yet it causes aspiration pneumonia (things going down the wrong way) and is often the reason doctors give a “Nil By Mouth” order. There are however things you can do. Here Colleen Kerr talks about her wish for a Masterfood Challenge where the […]