Over 60 but too young to fall? Think again…
Even if you think you are too young to be considered a falls risk- anyone over 60 should be maintaining or improving muscle strength, eating enough protein, and exercising for mental health.
Dementia, Swallowing, Memory Boxes and Capacity for Decision Making – lessons from Speech Pathologists.
People with Dementia often “lose their swallow.” This is not often known yet it causes aspiration pneumonia (things going down the wrong way) and is often the reason doctors give a “Nil By Mouth” order. There are however things you can do. Here Colleen Kerr talks about her wish for a Masterfood Challenge where the […]
New Ways of Sharing about Death and Dying
Looking for new or unusual spaces and places to meet others and talk about caring for someone, living with a life-limiting disease, or getting your own affairs in order? Or just some inspiration to try? Try these ideas. 1. Outdoor spaces such as Community gardens, Supported Garden Programs. These are places of beauty where […]
Understanding Different Cultural Beliefs Surrounding End-of-life Care
There are many different cultural and religious practices, beliefs, and approaches to end-of-life. It is important for health care providers to understand and respond to the different cultural norms of patients and their families. Some Key Issues we have identified at Touchstone Life Care for you to think about are: Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]