Want to create your Digital Advance Care Plan? click here to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use a State Department Form?

You can use the TLC advance care planning platform to Touchstone Life Care platform to upload these forms, share them with others, create a QR code, and also upload them to My Health Record. You can also use the TLC platform to share them with your care provider.

Please make sure you work your way through the whole form and do not leave it unfinished. This creates problems for both your doctors and your family and can lead to unnecessary suffering.

Since paper based Advance Care Plans were created, health and aged care Providers have moved on to digital systems for ease and efficiency. TLC provides a solution that works with these systems so your Advance Care Plan can be on your phone, on your carer’s iPad, on your GP’s computer screen, in your hospital notes and on a QR code for your ambulance officer to scan, without you, your family or your carer needing to go through all the paperwork. And no matter what form you choose to use.

As a Home care or aged care provider what are my responsibilities under the Aged Care Quality Standards?

The Aged Care Quality Standards require that you as a provider or practitioner are clear on what your patient or clients’ wishes are, and that the person’s choices form the core of your treatment and care planning for them. You have to “provide examples of actions and evidence of how your assessment and planning identifies and addresses the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences, including advance care planning.” In addition, your organisation needs to have workforce training in place so that “in day-to-day interactions with consumers, the workforce is expected to treat each consumer as an individual with their own unique life experiences, preferences, needs and abilities.” (Standard 7) Touchstone Life Care for Providers addresses many of your requirements for these and other Aged Care Quality Standards including Standards 1,2,3, and 8, all with a single click to download or a link to the software. If you would like training for your staff about how to have conversations about their needs, goals, and preferences, please contact us.

Is An Advance Care Plan legally binding?

Touchstone provides a platform for documenting and sharing your wishes relating to medical treatment. The advance care plan created by using the questionnaire on Touchstone’s website does not meet the formalities required in state or territory legislation (it is not a statutory Advance Care Plan). If you would like the additional protection of an Advance Care Plan made under statute, you must speak to your GP or lawyer.

Our Advance Care Plan offers a simple and easy mechanism to create a statement of your wishes. However ultimately it is only a court or tribunal that can declare an Advance Care Plan to be legally binding. They might need to do this if the validity of an Advance Care Plan is challenged.

There are other circumstances when a health practitioner is not bound by your Advance Care Plan, namely:

  • If the treatment consented to is futile;
  • If the treatment refused is palliative care;
  • If decision-making capacity is required of a patient in order to lawfully administer the treatment (eg. voluntary assisted dying in Victoria);
  • If other laws apply which preclude a health practitioner from relying on the Advance Care Plan.