Digital advance care planning and the ambulance ramping crisis.

Ambulance ramping cases have been described as the “canaries in the healthcare coalmine”, with escalating pressures on hospitals exposed by delays in the transfer of patients into emergency departments. In some instances, ambulances are “ramped” for hours outside hospitals, waiting for available beds, and the crisis is expected to continue as Australia’s population ages and […]

Over 60 but too young to fall? Think again…

Even if you think you are too young to be considered a falls risk- anyone over 60 should be maintaining or improving muscle strength, eating enough protein, and exercising for mental health.

Choosing the right Residential Aged Care Facility.

Choosing an Aged Care Facility is an important consideration when it comes to your end of life planning. If – due to illness or injury – you need to be moved to a care facility, it will reduce overall stress on your loved ones if you have planned for this outcome. So how do you […]

3 Avoidable Reasons People Don’t Get the End of Life They Want

People often bounce in and out of hospital in the final years of their life – up to 8 times in their last year of life alone. But why is this the case, and surely it’s not necessary? The truth is, people often don’t have the ongoing care that they would like or need in […]

7 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Aged Care Facility

Creating an Advance Care Document

Deciding on a Residential Aged Care Facility is an incredibly tough, yet very important decision to make. People often find themselves overcome by the options, and without the guidance to be able to make an informed choice. Here are the top seven things to consider before choosing an aged care facility.   1. Have you […]