Advance Care Plans: Understanding ‘Power of Attorney’

One of the key steps when creating an Advance Care Plan is naming your Substitute Decision Maker (in some states/territories you may be entitled to appoint more than one). This is a general term which describes someone who has the legal power to make decisions on your behalf when you are no longer able to […]
Choosing the right Residential Aged Care Facility.

Choosing an Aged Care Facility is an important consideration when it comes to your end of life planning. If – due to illness or injury – you need to be moved to a care facility, it will reduce overall stress on your loved ones if you have planned for this outcome. So how do you […]
Living Life Without Limits or Regrets

Particularly towards the end of life, it’s important for people to have control over how they live their life. Most people want “a good death”. Perhaps a good death is really ‘a death of one’s own.” Everyone will do it differently. Everyone will have different wants and needs. For those people who have “a good […]
The 5 Most Important Things to Know for Your Heart Health

Statistically, your heart is the most likely thing to kill you. Unfortunately it’s the single biggest preventable killer of Australians. But if you give it some attention, you can rapidly change from risking an early death to extending your time here on earth. You won’t just live longer – your whole life will be better. […]
Life with No Limits- regardless of age, gender, or disability

As we get older, our bodies may not be or do what they used to. Watch and listen to the amazing, Unstoppable Tracy Schmitt who talks with Dr Merran Cooper about the importance of taking risks, even when you don’t know if you can do it. Staying optimistic, passionate and determined no matter what life brings your […]