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Managed dying. The new palliative care?


Managed dying should be about shared decision making but it rarely is. It’s usually a doctor telling patients what the most conservative option is and why they should choose it.

Advance Care Plans: The Basics

When it comes to the subject of Advance Care Planning, for many it is a case of ‘There’s always time to do it later”, until it is too late. It often takes a life limiting – or threatening – illness/condition for people to really start planning for the end of their life. Ideally though, the […]

Advance Care Plans: Understanding ‘Power of Attorney’

One of the key steps when creating an Advance Care Plan is naming your Substitute Decision Maker (in some states/territories you may be entitled to appoint more than one).  This is a general term which describes someone who has the legal power to make decisions on your behalf when you are no longer able to […]

Starting the Conversation

When it comes to end of life planning, starting the conversation with your loved ones may seem like the hardest part. It doesn’t have to be.   Getting the Ball Rolling Unfortunately, there is no “perfect” way of starting a conversation about death and dying. Everybody is different and, in a family, some might handle […]

Touchstone Life Care: Our Beliefs regarding an End of Life Plan.

Considering an End of Life Plan? Touchstone Life Care is an organisation built on a passionate belief that everyone – young or old, healthy or sick – deserves the opportunity to create an Advance Care Plan that will provide you the dignity you deserve when you need it most.   We believe in:   Connecting. […]