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Choosing the right Residential Aged Care Facility.

Choosing an Aged Care Facility is an important consideration when it comes to your end of life planning. If – due to illness or injury – you need to be moved to a care facility, it will reduce overall stress on your loved ones if you have planned for this outcome. So how do you […]

3 Avoidable Reasons People Don’t Get the End of Life They Want

People often bounce in and out of hospital in the final years of their life – up to 8 times in their last year of life alone. But why is this the case, and surely it’s not necessary? The truth is, people often don’t have the ongoing care that they would like or need in […]

Why doctors need your Advance Care Plan

Hospitals and verbal communication Hospitals are a place where verbal communication goes to die. This is unfortunately a common truth – our modern health care system is incredible and helps many people every day, but it is also a place where people’s wishes can be missed in and people can become caught in the system.   […]

Advance Care Plans are paving the way for Digital Health Care

What is digital health care? The phrase ‘digital health care’ can sound scary. Especially when we’ve lived an entire life of having all our health care done in person. After all, the aim of medicine ought to be human-centred. But put them together to make human-centred digital healthcare and the future’s looking bright.   Everyone […]

The Real Costs of Residential Aged Care Facilities

We asked Rhonda, a tax accountant, to tell us the facts about the costs of aged care facilities in Australia. Rhonda’s mother has dementia and lives in a Residential Aged Care Facility, so these figures are real. Look out for these sorts of costs when you are inquiring about a Residential Aged Care Facility for […]

I have dementia – is it too late for an Advance Care Plan?

An Advance Care Plan needs to be made when you still have the mental capacity to make decisions about your health care, and to understand the consequences of your decisions.  If someone cannot understand their options, or the consequences of those options then it is too late to complete an Advance Care Plan.  However, if […]

What your GP does with your Advance Care Plan

Advance Care Plans are not written by lawyers or doctors. They are written by ordinary people like you. So you do not need to use legal or medical jargon. However, doctors and other medical staff play an important role in putting your Advance Care Plan into practice. But how do they actually do this? Read […]

7 Things to Consider Before Choosing an Aged Care Facility

Creating an Advance Care Document

Deciding on a Residential Aged Care Facility is an incredibly tough, yet very important decision to make. People often find themselves overcome by the options, and without the guidance to be able to make an informed choice. Here are the top seven things to consider before choosing an aged care facility.   1. Have you […]

The 5 Most Important Things to Know for Your Heart Health

Statistically, your heart is the most likely thing to kill you. Unfortunately it’s the single biggest preventable killer of Australians. But if you give it some attention, you can rapidly change from risking an early death to extending your time here on earth. You won’t just live longer – your whole life will be better. […]

Dementia: 5 ways you can help make a difference

There are many ways you can help with dementia – whether for yourself or for someone close to you. We’ve collected some of the easy ones here.   Tell people your wishes Decide and tell others what medical care you do and do not want early – before people need to know. Careful Advance Care Plans […]