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How to Manage Oxygen, Breathlessness and Shortness of Breath

Often people want to help care for someone but just don’t know how or what they should do. Patients who are in bed for long periods of time are prone to pneumonia and therefore shortness of breath. If they become restless, agitated or confused it can be because of lack of oxygen in their blood.

This quick video shows how to care for someone who needs oxygen at home. 

Some other things you can do to help someone breathe more easily are:

  1. Sit the person upright to improve air entry into their lungs
  2. Place a small fan in front of their face to stimulate their breathing


Anyone can help- neighbours, friends,  spouses, or children. But remember-  you need to look after yourself and your own back. So if a bed is low, kneel with one leg on the bed when you bend over the person so you protect yourself. And NEVER have a flame or candle or cigarette near an oxygen cylinder. Oxygen explodes.


Here are some more videos for you to watch with practical tips about caring at home.

Managing skin tears,

Mouth care

Pressure Area Care and Rolling In Bed

Touchstone Life Care believes that with a small amount of the right knowledge and a little TLC, anyone can be a great carer.